Bear Oil Blog

The latest news on the fuel and oil supply industry.

5 Ways a Fleet Card Program Can Improve Efficiency in 2023


As we approach the end of 2022, are you looking for some innovative ways to welcome the new year with better productivity and optimized operations? In today’s rush, rush, rush world, any convenience or advantage we can find to make the path a little smoother and more efficient is a welcome one. In a nutshell, that’s what a fleet card program can do for you. If you are managing over-the-road drivers, fleets of work trucks, or even equipment, then you may need to explore the benefits of a fleet card program. Maybe you already have a fuel fleet card program. If so, you should regularly compare the costs and benefits of your program to others available to make sure you are getting the best deal.

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Cold Weather Alert for Diesel Fleets in Central & South Texas

Cold Weather Alert

Here are a few quick tips on combating the potential impacts cold weather has on your diesel fleet.

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South Texas Diesel Supply Shortage Update


How Will ‘Diesel Shortages’ Affect South Texas Diesel Fuel Buyers?

There has been a lot of buzz lately about a “Diesel Shortage” but what does that really mean? Below are a few quick details you should know along with tips for diesel buyers to make sure they have enough fuel to keep their equipment and fleets going.

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What to Look for in a Fuels and Lubricants Supplier in Texas

Onsite Fueling

As a Texas business owner or company decision maker, it’s your job to seek out partnerships with vendors that give you a competitive advantage. After all, if you are pledging to use a product or buy supplies from a vendor, you expect to get value beyond just a fair price in return. The bottom line is making sure your operations, and more importantly, your profit and loss statement stay healthy by finding partners you can count on to provide necessary supplies when and where you need it.

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4 Benefits of Jobsite Fueling


What if you were costing your company extra money every day and you didn’t even know it?

That’s what happens when you don’t take all the necessary and available steps to keep your company competitive. When we talk about taking advantage of short-cuts to benefit the bottom line, we aren’t talking about shoddy work or substandard materials. We are talking about making positive choices, like jobsite fueling, that result in monetary and budgetary savings. There are several ways jobsite fueling can have a positive impact on your bottom line; some are more obvious than others. One of the most important ways job site fueling can have an impact on your day-to-day business is sourcing your fuel from a well-known and reliable partner. Let’s take a look at 4 ways jobsite fueling can give your company a competitive edge.

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Best Commercial Fueling Options For Your Business

Commercial Fueling Options

Most truckers know what a commercial fuel stop looks like. Some commercial truck stops offer one side for regular passenger vehicles and one side for commercial trucks and other larger vehicles, such as RVs.

You’ll find fueling stops that cater only to one or the other - most drivers of large commercial vehicles prefer to avoid passenger vehicles at their fueling stops. The aim of most businesses is to get fueled and get the driver back on the road to deliver or pick up whatever is needed to get the job done.

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How to Improve Efficiency in the New Year

Bear Oil Truck

Most people start out a new year with all kinds of goals and resolutions meant to improve on the past year’s performance. And sadly, most people abandon their good intentions pretty quickly once they realize the hard work involved.

But what if you could improve your productivity and efficiency in the new year without too much heavy lifting? Of course, there’s always room for improvement in any business - and in many cases it’s just learning to work smarter, not harder, that gives you the leg up over your competition.

When your business involves purchasing fuel and fuel products, there are proven methods to make it fairly simple and hassle free. Let’s look at some of those options.

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Preparing Diesel Fleets For Cold Weather


In Texas, we aren’t used to getting the type of winter temps that our more northern neighbors deal with every year. That said, February 2021 proved that we aren’t immune to extended periods of freezing weather. And we learned that temperatures like that can wreak havoc on just about everything they touch - including our diesel engines. You’ve already put time and money into your diesel engine, so taking the necessary steps to prepare for winter is an investment you should be willing to make. 

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Preserve Equipment with Lubricants

Preserve Equipment with Lubricants

When we buy a vehicle or invest in equipment, the goal is to reach maximum engine performance for the longest amount of time possible.  This can only be accomplished when the proper use of oils, greases, fuels and other fluids are maintained on a regular basis.  There is so much that is happening under the hood and it all starts with lubrication.

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Proudly Distributing Shell and Chevron Products

Proudly Distributing Shell and Chevron Products

When it comes to operating your fleet vehicles, don’t leave your engine maintenance to chance.  Depend on Shell and Chevron lubricants to help you achieve maximum engine potential. We stand by our mission statement and that is “to exceed expectations while providing quality and safety in service and products.” Bear Oil Company’s lubricant product line is top-notch, with Shell and Chevron topping the list.  Just at the turn of the 19th century, Shell and Chevron got its start in the oil and gas industry and are still making daily discoveries in energy and petrochemicals. We are going to take a look at their rich history and explore how these products keep our customers moving.

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